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So here is where I am at. Having had some time off from the game I did a ton of reading most of it was the forums.

So let's get that out of the way:

The hot topic of course was the downtime. The resulting posts when the game came back made me laugh. My opinion differs slightly from the applause of the DDO forums with "Good job SSG! You guys rocked it." There are always unforeseen circumstances and shit happens. I just don't think congratulations on something that they did not plan well enough for is deserved.

"Quick throw out the freebies and shut them up!" Then half the community is happy and the other half wanted more or something different. No freebies - simple. Instead of spending time devising little packs to keep a handful of whiners happy spend the time worrying about the bigger issues at hand. Really working on a patch for a freebie??? You can't be serious right?

The second post that caught my attention was the producers letter. It's March - how long did it take to jot down those notes? Little to no information and not anything we didn't already know or surmise give the predictability of the game. The fellow who is writing it doesn't want to be at the front of the house - get the guy a ghost writer. I am guessing he'd rather be producing it than writing about it.

The flavour of the forums has always been a little off putting, unless you are blowing sunshine up the ass of the powers that be, well you should just hush and be a good minion. Or you risk a bashing - point, my husband was likened to a fraudster. Oh we get it, if you don't bow and snivel you risk the wrath of the devoted. Oddly clicking on his past posts would have told you everything you need to know about his fraudster ways.

Which brings the state of my game to Customer Service. Now I heard what I should think is just gossip but it was a doozy and should you hear the same rumour you'd also know that it can't be true. Right? You risk a ban if you enquire multiple times about an issue. There is no priority system for tickets - done according to the time of receipt.

What kind of asinine system is that. You are darn right CS is going to want to hang up when some guy sends 12 messages in a row about a missing stack of pots from his TR cache. Store purchased? Absolutely - you have to find the issue and take an action. You found it within the game? No real world money used? So go get it again and don't clog up CS for players who are stuck waiting with broken characters.

Now to the lost characters - Soverain to be exact.

I logged in after downtime and had the sub cycle kick me out of the game. Given the instability of the system at the time I didn't resub until it was posted in the DDO Forums btw- buried in another post 5 hours later- that said it was all good. (funny thing here - I was asked: Did you put in a ticket? Soverain is in line ahead of me and it's almost 2 month wait. I'll hold off just in case that gossip is true)

His character file crashed and burned during TR.

I am pretty sure TRing is the sales pitch these days isn't it?

Sov has been off line since January 20th, it's March 13th. Has he crossed someone at SSG that makes it personal? Is he accused of breeching the EULA? I realized with the precarious nature of the system that I could also loose my character info. Do I want to spend more time and effort?

So that brought me to my financial support of the game. Should I help pay a bit of someone's salary or should I just throw in the towel on a game I've enjoyed for years.

Here buy this shiny little package for 300 bucks. Normally I buy everything - deluxe/collectors whatever the top package gives. Not this time. Limited edition season pass? Nope, I do not have the confidence that my character will be playable in a year so no thank you. If I were to have this happen that money would be better spent finding something else to do.

Which brings me to my final points on the state of my game.

If I can't have confidence in the TR system at least let me change up my character with +20's in the game more than once every 6 months. And really, I keep the Reaperling but not my eyes or reaper wings on a lesser? Bullshit. They just couldn't figure out how to remove the reaperling from the stable.

After several unacknowledged enquiries about getting a listing in the fan site area, I've given up. So this space will be coming off line, additionally to the stuff above, Bullies and Trolls, really? Have you nothing better to do? And really, put your name to it if you've such an overt dislike of me, we can avoid each other mutually. Sucks the fun right out of it and moves it back to discord. No big deal.

The last two things are merely confetti on an over decorated cake.

Bold faced lies told by little boys and a poorly clipped shield.

An unhappy ex-bard costumed in a Favoured Soul dress.

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